Lighting deyas Reporters
Event Date: November 07, 2007
Posted: December 12, 2007
The little known Eastern Caribbean Institute of Agriculture and Forestry (ECIAF) held their annual Divali celebrations on Wednesday 7th November, 2007. The Eastern Caribbean Institute of Agriculture and Forestry was established in 1954 and consists of two campuses, one in Centeno, Arima and the other on Mausica Road, Piarco. The curriculum reflects a mix of academics and hands-on training in Agriculture, Livestock Production, Farm Business Management and Forestry.
Scores of students and teachers as well as their friends and family gathered at the ECIAF compound on Mausica Road to celebrate Divali. At the side of the stage were bamboo-bended creations, adorned with lighted deyas, that were a part of the bamboo bending competition held among the students. When the bamboo bending results were later announced it was the Agriculture Year 2 group who won the top prize, beating Agriculture Year 1 and Forestry Year 2 into second and third place respectively.
ECIAF Assistant Director Joseph King welcomes guests
Assistant Director of ECIAF, Joseph King, welcomed the guests as he expressed that the institution has been celebrating Divali for the past twenty years. He spoke briefly about the significance of Divali and the connection between Divali and the legend of the return home of Lord Rama to Ayodha after fourteen years in exile. Also welcoming guests in a brief address was the President of the ECIAF Student Guild, Justin Gurley.
Presenter Nadia Ramtahal announced the first performer, dancer Annamika Narine, who thrilled the audience with a classical Indian Dance. There were also several performances of classical Indian music and the singing of bhajans that reflected the traditional elements of the Divali celebrations.
Dhoti King contestants
A main part of the evening's entertainment was the Sari Queen and Dhoti King Competition, which was a Divali pageant of sorts. The Sari Queen contestants were Avisha Dookie, Sherise Boodoo, Rhyner Ramdeo, Avisha Mohan and Diandra Motelal, while the Dhoti King contestants were Davindra Samsundar, Yashpal Lakhansingh, Varma Kheju and Darren Boodoo. The Sari Queen contestants came to the stage wearing beautiful saris while the Dhoti King wore elegant dhotis as the audience cheered them on.
In-between the two segments, hosts Donovan Mongroo and Earl Balkisson introduced another dancer, Anmika Bim, who did an excellent East Indian dance to the delight of the audience. There was more excitement as the winner of the door prize, ECIAF teacher Mr. Monessar, was required to sing or dance to collect his prize. He opted to dance, as the audience loudly cheered him on.
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The second segment of the competition consisted of questions about Divali being asked of all the contestants, who all answered their questions comfortably. When the results were announced it was Avisha Mohan who won the title of ECIAF Sari Queen 2007, edging Sherise Boodoo and Avisha Dookie into second and third place respectively. First runner-up Sherise Boodoo was awarded the Best Outfit prize. Among the males, it was Varma Kheju who was crowned as ECIAF Dhoti King 2007, beating Yashpal Lakhansingh and Darren Boodoo into second and third place respectively. Past ECIAF Queen Ria Tulsie was on hand to present some of the prizes to the contestants.
Prizes were also presented to the best dressed male and female student which was won by Jeevan Ragoonanan and Emilia Samuel, while Alvin Bidassie and Shivanna Maharaj won the prizes for best dressed male and female members of staff.
As the formal part of the event ended, it was Tassa time as Tropical Country Boys Tassa Group and Calcutta Tassa Group engaged in a frenzied Tassa face-off as onlookers cheered and danced: a fitting end to the evening's proceedings.
ECIAF Divali Celebrations 2007 in pictures:
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