Bollywood T&T Pageant 2008

Contestants of the Mr., Miss and Miss Teen Bollywood T&T Pageant 2008
Contestants of the Mr., Miss and Miss Teen Bollywood T&T Pageant 2008 Reporters
Event Date: July 26, 2008
Posted: August 20, 2008

The Mr., Miss and Miss Teen Bollywood T&T Pageant 2008 came to a grand finale at the Naparima Bowl in San Fernando on Saturday 26th July, 2008. According to Pageant Organiser Lennie Ghiseawan, the purpose of Mr., Miss and Miss Teen Bollywood Pageant is to promote East Indian culture and the engagement of positive cultural activities by young people.

Previous segments of the pageant involved a speech show and a talent competition. The first was the Introduction and Speech Show which was held at the Rienzi Complex on Saturday 5th April, 2008. In this event delegates introduced themselves to the audience and gave a speech on "Crime and it's Effects on Me as an Individual".

Ackeem Mohammed and dancer
Ackeem Mohammed and dancer

Following was the Talent segment which was held at the San Fernando Creative Arts Center on Saturday 24th May, 2008 and allowed the delegates to showcase their talent before the appreciative audience. On this occasion, Kamani Deonarine held the attention of the audience as she performed a self-composed song titled "Stop Crime Now". Crystal Mohammed showed her talent with a solo piece on the keyboard. Akanath Singh demonstrated his creativity by mixing monologue and dance in his presentation titled the "Evolution of Dance" that had the audience screaming in excitement and delight. Many of the delegates chose to dance to popular Bollywood music as the audience showed their approval with loud cheers, screams and applause.

On the finale night, the Naparima Bowl was buzzing with excitement as friends and family filled the auditorium to support the delegates. The band Extreme Players entertained the audience with a number of traditional songs as the delegates readied themselves backstage. After their performance, the delegates streamed on stage in choreographed fashion dressed in white to loud applause from the audience.

Mr. and Miss Bollywood finalists
Mr. and Miss Bollywood finalists

The finalists were Kamini Deonarine, Crystal Ramdial, Satti Kanhai and Katrina Choon in the Miss Bollywood Teen Category, Ackeem Mohammed, Narindra Balliram and Ashram Ramesar in the Mr. Bollywood category and Macrisha Weithers, Arlene Kisson and Crystal Mohammed is the Miss Bollywood category. The judges for the evening were Dicky Ann John, Leah Mathura and Anand Yankeran.

The second segment was the elegant Bollywood Wear segment, and the delegates impressed with their fine Indian wear as they modelled for the judges and the audience. From this segment, things flowed into the Question and Answer segment where the delegates had the opportunity to show the audience why they deserved to win.

LEFT: Arlene Kissoon, Ashram Ramesar and Katrina Choon
LEFT: Arlene Kissoon, Ashram Ramesar and Katrina Choon

When the smoke cleared and the results were announced it was twenty year old Ashram Ramesar who was crowned the winner of the Mr. Bollywood category, with Narindra Balliram and Ackeem Mohammed being the first and second runners-up respectively. Mr. Bollywood, Ashram Ramesar, represents the peaceful community of Poole Village, Rio Claro.

In the Miss Teen Category sixteen year old Miss Katrina Choon from San Fernando was the winner with Crystal Ramdial being adjudged first runner-up.

In the Miss Bollywood Category, eighteen year old Arlene Kissoon from Mayaro was the winner, edging Macrisha Weithers and Crystal Mohammed into second and third place respectively.

Narindra Balliram and Kamini Deonarine were adjudged winners of the People's Choice Award.

Bollywood T&T Pageant 2008 in pictures:

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