TTARP Belmont B’s 10th Anniversary Celebration
On Saturday 27th June, 2015, the Trinidad and Tobago Association for Retired Persons (TTARP) Belmont B’s hosted their tenth anniversary at the Belmont Secondary School, Belmont Circular Road, Belmont.
TTARP Belmont B’s 5th Anniversary Celebration
On Sunday 4th July, 2010, the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Retired Persons (TTARP) Belmont B’s hosted their fifth anniversary celebration and service. The function was held at the Belmont Community Centre on Jerningham Avenue, Belmont to a moderately-sized audience. This appreciation function was done in celebration of those who provided their indefatigable service for the five years that the organization was in existence. Attendees were treated to a full evening of entertainment and refreshments with tokens of appreciation being presented.